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Don't take our word for it. Read their legal disclaimers yourself. Compare them to ours.

And hear us. If you can read this, then you are part of something very special. You make this what it is, and we appreciate you.

Thank you.

We protect you, and that is why we must issue this rare warning.

Other actors in the social media space are not as benevolent as we have proven ourselves to be. They will insist that your security is their top priority, even as their ToS and Privacy Policies are littered with language that seeks to exploit you.

We built a community. They built a lucrative source of exploitable revenue. We encourage you to be where you want to be, but please be careful. Things are not what they seem out there.

CounterSocial has been doing social media right for over five years. It goes without saying, but what we have here is really special.

This is a bot-free, troll-free, ad-free social media oasis that is singularly focused on protecting its users. You will never be a product to be sold, and our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy prove it.

How CounterSocial Deals With Bots, A Story Show more

CounterSocial exists to protect its users from being exploited online. We've been doing it for over five years.

The same cannot be said of any other social media site. They see a lucrative revenue stream. We see a cherished community.

There are no bots, no ads, and no trolls. Everything you post is yours, and irrevocably disappears if you should ever delete your account. If that sad day arrives, your username will be locked in perpetuity, never to be used by anyone else ever again.

All of this is made possible through the generous contributions of users like you, who are not fleeced as a lucrative source of revenue but are appreciated as a valued community.

*You* make this what it is. Thank you.

CounterSocial does not sell your personal data. In fact, CounterSocial doesn't even HAVE your personal data. You gave us an email address to establish your account, and that's it. Even Pro membership is handled by a secure third party.

You are not the product to be sold here, and your safety is our top priority. In a sea of social media options, that alone is exceedingly rare.

There are many social media sites. This one is ours, and there's nothing else quite like it. If you appreciate the ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media oasis that is CounterSocial, please consider going Pro.

Can't do it? We don't mind. Your contribution is appreciated in whatever form it takes.

It's the last day of the month. Running this ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media oasis is not free. It requires resources and it is 100% community powered by users just like you.

Please consider going Pro if you can, and no worries if you can't. Your contribution is appreciated in whatever form it takes.

We could author an expansive post describing in vivid detail "how to reduce image file size," but honestly folks. That's what Google is for.

Note: Profile pictures must be under 2mb in size. If the image you've chosen isn't working, try making it smaller.

Protip: Take a minute to update your avatar. This community is generally very suspicious of "cracked eggs", and for good reason.

CounterSocial is still the internet. If you don't know where that link some rando posted to the timeline is taking you, do not use it.

CounterSocial has been improving non-stop for over five years, building bespoke customizations for our amazing users and creating a combined featureset that does not exist anywhere else.

If you appreciate this ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media oasis as much as we do, please consider going Pro. We're 100% powered by you.

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PSA - has been listening to feedback determined that some folks find the multi-column dashboard too much, so in response very soon we'll be rolling out optional single column mode to help with familiarity. You'll be able to switch back & forth at will >>>

cc: @th3j35t3r

CoSoTips boosted

A friendly reminder for no particular reason that you DO have an option in your settings to Always Hide All Media.

A friendly reminder for no particular reason that you DO have an option in your settings to Always Hide All Media.

Facebook has been blocking links to CounterSocial for at least two years, but they probably won't stop you from sharing this great picture with your cool friends.

CounterSocial has been going strong for over five years. In all of that time, no was ever banned without cause.

Our Terms of Service are quite clear. We do not allow community abuse, including misinformation and extremism. The same rules apply to everyone, and they are very quickly enforced as needed. :trollsplat:

It's the best thing about this place.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.