Other social media sites don't want you to read their legalese. That's why we encourage you to do so.
It's fully in keeping with our mission to protect you. Don't take our word for it. Take theirs. #CoSoTips
Is that other social media site planning to sell you and your data at the earliest opportunity? Read their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to find out.
Then compare it to ours. We exist to serve our community. They exist to exploit you for money. #CoSoTips
"CounterSocial should ADVERTISE!"
Probably, but that isn't really our style. We've spent over five years growing through simple word-of-mouth and it has created a downright awesome community.
That said, we are not above giving you everything you need to spread the good word. Here are some assets that may help. Our media kit may also be found below. #CoSoTips
Other social media sites don't want you to read their legalese. That's why we encourage you to do so.
It's fully in keeping with our mission to protect you. Don't take our word for it. Take theirs. #CoSoTips
Is that other social media site planning to sell you and your data at the earliest opportunity? Read their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to find out.
Then compare it to ours. We exist to serve our community. They exist to exploit you for money. #CoSoTips
"Why do I need to disable ad blockers on CounterSocial?"
This is a side effect of our commitment to keeping you safe. In order to serve similar features, most websites will scrape sensitive metadata from your device then store it on their servers.
CounterSocial does not do this. Everything about your session is stored on your device. Disabling ad blockers ensures that we can use what we need, and only while you are actively connected to CoSo. #CoSoTips
"Ostrich Mode" might sound like a joke, but it's actually an extremely useful CounterSocial feature. Enabling this optional setting will hide extra elements of the user interface, making things more streamlined for you.
This is a per-device setting for desktop users and works in both simplified and advanced modes. Give it a try! #CoSoTips
How do you know that we won't sell your data?
Because you never gave it to us. Even Pro membership is handled securely by a third-party payment processor. #CoSoTips
What's the difference between CounterSocial and social media everywhere else? It's really quite simple.
They built a lucrative source of revenue to sell you. We built a community. #CoSoTips
No ads.
No bots.
No trolls.
No algorithms manipulating you. No shifty Terms of Service or dubious Privacy Policy promising to sell you. That's the CounterSocial difference. #CoSoTips
We protect you, and that is why we must issue this rare warning.
Other actors in the social media space are not as benevolent as we have proven ourselves to be. They will insist that your security is their top priority, even as their ToS and Privacy Policies are littered with language that seeks to exploit you.
We built a community. They built a lucrative source of exploitable revenue. We encourage you to be where you want to be, but please be careful. Things are not what they seem out there.
Updated the COSO landing page. Can you spot it? (actually there's multiple changes) >>>
CounterSocial has been consistently getting better for over five years.
There are no bots, no ads, and no trolls. You will never be the product to be sold here because this community is powered by you.
If you haven't already, please consider going Pro. #CoSoTips
You asked. We listened.
https://counter.social has just released 'Simplified Single Column Mode'. It's for folks who have been finding it hard to adjust to our multi-column approach and need some familiarity. Here's how to enable and disable it, and what it looks like. It's really very simple. Promise >>>
This appears to be resolved. #CoSoTips
We are aware of issues with the CounterSocial app. You can try again later, or use your favorite mobile browser. #CoSoTips
Note: CounterSocial still works fine from a mobile browser. #CoSoTips
If you experience issues accessing CounterSocial, it is because good things are happening on the back end.
Be patient, and try again later. It never lasts long. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial is undergoing maintenance for upgrades, which can sometimes affect the apps. If you're having issues, go look up how to clear app cache on your device. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial has been doing social media right for over five years. It goes without saying, but what we have here is really special.
This is a bot-free, troll-free, ad-free social media oasis that is singularly focused on protecting its users. You will never be a product to be sold, and our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy prove it. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.