Did you know? CounterSocial has what's known as "PreCog" mode.
It's very neurodivergent friendly. Trust us. We know. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial has baked-in features to keep you safe.
Don't take our word for it. Check out your own, personal, one-of-a-kind WOE. #CoSoTips
Fun Fact: The people who pay to be Pro only to abuse this community do not get refunded for the $ they spent to be Pro.
(That fact is downright heartwarming for the folks who pitch in to keep our servers running and our community thriving.) #CoSoTips
World events got you down? CounterSocial has the fix for that too. You can add FILTERS to omit certain terms, and you can set those FILTERS to automatically EXPIRE at a set interval, from 30 minutes to one week to eternity.
There's no limit to the number of filters that you can create.
We consider this to be a healthy part of curating your own experience here. Use FILTERS liberally to make your experience yours! #CoSoTips
Have you scrolled through your settings yet? If not, you definitely should.
CounterSocial provides you with innumerable ways to make your experience yours. Find out more at the link below: #CoSoTips
#DidYouKnow Among all the other awesome features here at https://counter.social, we also have 'PreCog Reading Mode' for both our official app and desktop browser versions? Check out the details and how to enable it in your preferences, if you feel it would be helpful to you.
cc: @th3j35t3r
Wanna see something cool? Of course you do. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial is a vision of a social media experience that does not exploit you as a source of revenue. We consider your privacy and security to be sacred, and we've spent almost six years building a featureset that is unmatched anywhere.
Please consider going Pro if you can. Can't chip in? No worries. Your contribution is appreciated in whatever form it takes. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial is a vision of a social media experience that does not exploit you as a source of revenue. We consider your privacy and security to be sacred, and we've spent almost six years building a featureset that is unmatched anywhere.
Please consider going Pro if you can. Can't chip in? No worries. Your contribution is appreciated in whatever form it takes. #CoSoTips
Running a social media site is not free. On the contrary, it is EXPENSIVE. You aren't paying to use those other socials because YOU ARE THE PRODUCT that THEY are selling.
Don't take our word for it. It's right there in their Terms of Service.
CounterSocial is different. We are supported by our awesome Pro subscribers, who pitch in a little each month to keep the servers online. We've protected your privacy for almost six years, and you will NEVER be for sale. THEY can't say that. #CoSoTips
Did you know that CounterSocial is the ONLY social media site that is NOT trying to monetize everything about you? #CoSoTips
Over the years, we have seen a handful of people who seem to believe that their Pro membership grants them permission to be disagreeable and disruptive—often in ways that go unnoticed by the greater community.
If you do not proactively REPORT such individuals, then there is nothing that we can do about them. #CoSoTips
PSA: Please be cognizant of anyone who is trying to sow badness via DMs, because they are betting that you will not report their disruptive behavior.
The best thing you can do for the health and safety of this community is prove them wrong. #CoSoTips
Have you read CounterSocial's Terms of Service? Probably not, right? It's okay, most don't.
That's why we are cordially reminding you that CounterSocial does not tolerate abuse of any kind, no matter how well intentioned it purports to be. That everyone is safe to speak here is a hallmark of this place, and we have been extremely consistent in keeping it that way for almost six years.
More information at the link below. #CoSoTips
One of the best things about sportsball is being sportsball fans with other people who love sportsball, so how do you find your fellow sportsball fans in this place where not everything is about sportsball?
This is where hashtags shine. For example, if you add #NFL to your American football posts, then other NFL fans can follow your thoughts about the goings on in the NFL.
Tag your favorite teams for even more specific sportsball fandom! #CoSoTips
Are you getting inflammatory or inappropriate REPLIES to your posts?
If so, please REPORT them immediately.
Replies do not appear on public timelines, so if you don't REPORT abusive behavior happening there, then there's nothing we can do about it. #CoSoTips
Unfortunately, even this post is troll food. They love the attention.
But it makes a very important point. You can help by starving them of the attention they crave, and we sincerely hope that you will.
Community resiliency is how we band together to stop trolls.
For years, bad actors have tried and failed to infiltrate and ruin this beloved community. We're here to tell you that they will never stop trying. Whether it's malice, boredom, or plain-old jealousy, they will always try.
But you (yes, you) can thwart them. How?
1. BLOCK AND REPORT them, and 2. pretend they don't exist. Ignore them completely. Just sit back and wait for the .
Around here, it happens fast. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.