CounterSocial is a vision of a social media experience that does not exploit you as a source of revenue. We consider your privacy and security to be sacred, and we've spent almost six years building a featureset that is unmatched anywhere.
Please consider going Pro if you can. Can't chip in? No worries. Your contribution is appreciated in whatever form it takes. #CoSoTips
That's pretty scary.
@CoSoTips: Affirmative.
Running a social media site is not free. On the contrary, it is EXPENSIVE. You aren't paying to use those other socials because YOU ARE THE PRODUCT that THEY are selling.
Don't take our word for it. It's right there in their Terms of Service.
CounterSocial is different. We are supported by our awesome Pro subscribers, who pitch in a little each month to keep the servers online. We've protected your privacy for almost six years, and you will NEVER be for sale. THEY can't say that. #CoSoTips