Have you checked in on YOUR Wall of Entropy lately?
There are many like it, but this ONE is specifically YOURS. #CoSoTips
Have you checked in on YOUR Wall of Entropy lately?
There are many like it, but this ONE is specifically YOURS. #CoSoTips
Fun Fact: CounterSocial has never really "broken even". Our Pro member subscribers cover some of the costs, and our gracious host covers the rest.
If you like what we have here, #GoPro. We've been called the PBS of social media because you aren't a profit motive to be exploited. You're a supporter, and you enjoy premium benefits for helping this community to thrive.
Can't go Pro? No worries. Your contribution is appreciated in whatever form it takes. #CoSoTips
This does not mean that we are some kind of exclusive club. The criteria for "membership" is quite simple:
1. You aren't a troll.
2. You aren't a bot.
3. You aren't trying to exploit people online.
4. You appreciate hanging out in a place that contains none of those things.
We're a highly diverse, highly inclusive community of awesome people. If you're here, then you're one of them. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial isn't for everyone.
It's for who it's for, and that's the best thing about it. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial is unlike any other social media experience. There are no bots, no trolls, and no ads. Being a real person goes much farther than fishing for engagement.
There are also no algorithms, which means you get everything unfiltered. BLOCK, MUTE, and FILTER are the tools at your disposal to curate your experience here, and you are encouraged to use them.
Have a question? Check out the guide or ask the community. We're glad you're here! #CoSoTips
If you've blocked someone who you find to be disagreeable, then you are doing it right.
There's no algorithm. Curating your own experience is how to get the very best out of your time here. #CoSoTips
We love this guy. Look at him! So busy. So adept.
Like the message says, try again in a few minutes. Back end improvements are always happening here, and you're likely to find a better CoSo than you had before. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial has no algorithms.
That means many things, not the least of which being that you are the master of your domain here. You have total control over your experience, and you have the tools to make it yours.
We've said it time and again because it defines the quality of social media as we define it. Muting and blocking disagreeable people is not punitive, it is core functionality by design.
The tools exist so you can curate your experience. Please feel free to use them. #CoSoTips
Harassment is a violation of CounterSocial's Terms of Service. If you suspect that you or someone else is being harassed, then you're obligated to REPORT that individual.
Unlike other social media sites, they will be dealt with promptly, if they're violating the rules.
For your safety, you should also BLOCK them. After doing so, you can safely forget that they exist and move on with your life. #CoSoTips
"What if they ruin it?"
They can't. We've been going strong for almost six years.
"What if they don't like it?"
Then at least you'll know something new about them. Some people are addicted to toxic social media. Perhaps they're among them.
"I just don't want anyone to know that I'm here."
We doubt that, but it's likely that this fear is based on traditional social media and what happens out there. This place isn't like that. You'll probably be fine.
So go ahead. Share it. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial was built to be shared, and you should share it. #CoSoTips
On PotatoSocial, you can potato. Just potato your potato with your favorite potato. Once you have potato, you can securely potato from the comfort of your potato.
We potato you to potato your potato as if your potato was the potato of potatoes. Use the tools, and you too can #potato potatoes. #PotatoTips
If it's set to PUBLIC (default for all non-Pro accounts), then your initial post will be visible on the Community Firehose.
BOOSTS and REPLIES will only be visible to those who follow you from within their MY FRIENDS column.
Pro accounts have even greater control over post visibility, with the ability to choose between PUBLIC, UNLISTED, FOLLOWER ONLY, and DIRECT MESSAGE options.
Pro accounts can also create EXPLODING POSTS, which "detonate" after a selected interval. #CoSoTips
Note: This account is not a bot, because we don't do that here.
It's 100% user curated. #CoSoTips
Are you tired of hearing about a certain social media network that exists to exploit everything about you?
Then FILTERS are your friend. Add the term, choose a duration, select the appropriate options, and make any mention of that nefarious platform disappear. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.