"That picture that you posted was way too small to read!"
You can probably read it using one of the follow methods:
On mobile: Tap on the picture then use "pinch to zoom" to make the preview bigger.
On desktop: Right-click the image and choose "view in new tab". This should give you the ability to zoom in using your browser.
CounterSocial was built to be shared.
Don't worry about anyone ruining what we have here. There are tools, and there's a ToS.
So go ahead. Tell your people how great social media can be. #CoSoTips
Reminder: Alfred is completely unaware of current events. #CoSoTips
Protip: If you'd like to be taken seriously here, then you should update your avatar.
For almost six years, we have seen all manner of trollish behavior and abuse from those who didn't.
Crack that egg, and make it a priority to make yourself you. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial is unlike other social media sites in dozens of ways, but one of the biggest differences is in the culture that results from the core design decisions that make us unique.
There are no algorithms pushing "influencers", and no one will ever go viral. Fishing for engagement is innately discouraged here.
The result is a quality social media experience that most people find to be very refreshing. #CoSoTips
"Which notable/famous accounts are there here?"
We won't say.
If they want to they make themselves known, then they will. #CoSoTips
^^ ICYMI, there is nothing like CounterSocial.
Our closest "competitor" is light years away.
Because we exist FOR you, and they exist to EXPLOIT you. #CoSoTips
Protecting YOU online is what we do, which is why we must issue this rare warning:
If you create a "Threads" account, then you cannot delete/deactivate that account without affecting your Instagram/Facebook/Meta accounts.
It's a trap. It was always a trap, but numerous user testimonials now confirm that's it's a literal trap. #CoSoTips
^^ What separates CounterSocial from everyone else?
Download the "high resolution" version, and see for yourself. #CoSoTips
Threads blocks any mention of CounterSocial, just like Facebook.
Neither one of them can block this. #CoSoTips
You weren't going to go and read the data privacy disclosures of other social media sites, so we compiled them for you.
The short version: It's a dangerous world out there. #CoSoTips
A note on items flagged as misleading:
Some social media sites are declaring that they don't share data with third parties, but each has language in their ToS that allows third party disclosure.
Most declare that you can request deletion of your data, but none of them honor this request. They'll take your data off the public website, but it's always theirs.
We are the only social media site that takes your data privacy seriously. Your content isn't ours. It's yours. #CoSoTips
By popular request, Facebook's "Threads" app has been added to this matrix.
This right here is what sets us apart. They exist to EXPLOIT you. We exist to SERVE you.
These are unedited screenshots pulled moments ago from the Google Play App Store.
They're telling you this themselves. #CoSoTips
A note on items flagged as misleading:
Some social media sites are declaring that they don't share data with third parties, but each has language in their ToS that allows third party disclosure.
Most declare that you can request deletion of your data, but none of them honor this request. They'll take your data off the public website, but it's always theirs.
We are the only social media site that takes your data privacy seriously. Your content isn't ours. It's yours. #CoSoTips
Let's take a close-up look at the "data privacy" disclosures of other social media services, as listed on the Google Play App Store.
The punchline: CounterSocial collects and shares ZERO data. No other social media site can claim the same.
For a high-resolution version, click on the link below. #CoSoTips
When you DELETE your CounterSocial account, two things happen:
1. Your username is added to the registration database as a prohibited term to prevent anyone from ever using it again (including you.)
2. ALL of your content is SCRUBBED from ALL of our servers. With the exception of #1 above, you and your content CEASES TO EXIST.
We take your data privacy very seriously, and we will absolutely honor your Right to be Forgotten as enshrined in our Terms of Service. #CoSoTips
The business model of every other social media site is based on selling you. Every interaction, every follow, every click, every reply, every pause of the scroll. All of it is harvested to MONETIZE YOU.
Out there, you aren't paying because you're the product.
CounterSocial is different. Here, you are not for sale. Our service is kept afloat by an awesome community of Pro subscribers who pitch in $5 to keep the servers running. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.