When you get a minute, you should think about what it took for you to make an account here, and compare it to getting an account elsewhere.
You gave us an email address.
You gave them a lot more.
That's because this place exists FOR you, and those places exist to SELL you. #CoSoTips
New here? Take a minute and update your profile picture.
We're very fond of the cracked egg, but it's also very suspicious. Find a suitable image that's under 2MB, then hop into your settings and make it you. #CoSoTips
CoSo has a list feature!
Create your own list with some of the people you follow. When you choose the list, all posts of the people you have added to the list will be shown there.
For example you can make a list with people that post dog pictures and another list with people that post food pictures.
On CounterSocial, you can PIN up to five of your own posts at the top of your profile.
Pinned posts are always displayed in chronological order. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial is an exclusive club for people who aren't abusive asshats. We all maintain this culture by using the BLOCK AND REPORT feature to flag those who violate our Terms of Service.
Help us to keep our community awesome by familiarizing yourself with the ToS, and reporting anyone who violates it. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial isn't for everyone.
It's only for the people it's for, and that's how we like it. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial has been being real for almost six years.
We aren't changing for you, but it you change for us, we'll gladly show you what social media should be.
Stick around. You'll see.
And no harm no foul if you won't. We encourage you to find someplace where you can be happy. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial has no algorithms.
There is nothing dictacting what you see except chronological order. That's good news, but it also requires a bit of work on your part.
1. You should feel free to BLOCK and/or MUTE disagreeable accounts.
2. You should hop into your settings and add FILTERS for content you do not wish to see.
3. You should be very deliberate about who you follow. Follow-backs are not expected here.
This keeps your timeline relevant to you. #CoSoTips
What do you need to know? The #CoSoTips hashtag has you covered.
Beyond that, you should know that community abuse of any kind is not tolerated. You will be shown the door. Not in days or weeks, but in minutes.
Unclear about why we might a new user? Our terms of service is linked in this profile.
New here? Welcome to CounterSocial.
Stick around for a bit, and you'll find that we are unique. There are no bots, not trolls, no ads, and no abuse. For almost six years, we have been working to create a community of real people who are tired of malevolence online.
Hang up your spurs. Relax. You're in good hands here. #CoSoTips
If you'd like to activate this option, you can find it in your settings. #CoSoTips
PLP = Public Landing Page.
Once enabled, you can share links to your CounterSocial posts by right-clicking on the timestamp to the right of your post and copying the associated link.
Be warned though, once PLP is enabled, anyone on the internet—from anywhere—can see your profile and posts. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial actively protects its users in ways that simply do not exist on any other social media site.
There are countless safety features here. One example is that sending a DM requires a Pro membership. Another is that we do not refund the $5 spent if a creepy stalker is for community abuse via DMs.
Help us to be amused at their instant karma by reporting any abuse. Unlike other socials, it's dealt with immediately. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial has no algorithms.
There is nothing scanning your content, nothing deciding what you like, nothing prioritizing what you see here.
That responsibility is entirely yours. Don't like what someone else is posting? It's easy to make them disappear. #CoSoTips
Out there: misinformation and abusive clickbait.
In here, measured expertise and genuine conversations.
Times like this are what set us apart. It's just better here. #CoSoTips
Our challenge to you. Look at what is happening here right now.
Compare it to what is happening on any other social media site right now.
The difference is clear. If you like no-nonsense social media that exists to serve its users, please consider going Pro. #CoSoTips
If there is an established etiquette to CounterSocial, it is perfectly encapsulated in our Terms of Service.
Any other effort to control how people use this medium is, in a word, uncool.
Don't like how someone else is using their CounterSocial? Then use the tools and make them disappear.
For best results, do it without drama. #CoSoTips
Note: Our rules surrounding community abuse also apply to the prompts that you supply to our beloved #AI assistant Alfred.
Be discerning in the conversations you have with him. If a sordid discussion with a generative language model is what you're looking for, there are many other services that are far more appropriate. #CoSoTips
You do realize that literally every other social media service exists to sell you as a product, right?
Not us. We've spent almost six years proving it. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.