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Let us put this simply for you:

CounterSocial does not exploit you as a product to be sold.

Every other social media site does. Need proof? Compare our ToS with theirs.

"Why are my photos showing up sideways?"

Short version: You're holding your device wrong.

Long version: For your privacy and security, CounterSocial scrubs ALL metadata from uploaded media. This includes location, device, date/time, and orientation. You can re-add orientation by making a small edit (crop, resize, etc.) to your photo before uploading, or you can take your photos in proper landscape orientation in the first place.

On PotatoSocial, you can potato. Just potato your potato with your favorite potato. Once you have potato, you can securely potato from the comfort of your potato.

We potato you to potato your potato as if your potato was the potato of potatoes. Use the tools, and you too can potatoes.

"Who should I follow here?"

That's easy.

Follow those who interest you.

CounterSocial is the *only* social media network to take your privacy and security seriously.

The rest of them leverage famous people to draw in more users.

Part of our user-centric focus is the protection of ALL users, regardless of fame or status.

It even extends to our ToS, which includes your right to be forgotten.

"Which notable/famous accounts are there here?"

We won't say.

If they want to they make themselves known, then they will.

Wondering what the media limits are? Here you go.

Images cannot exceed 8mb.
Audio/video cannot exceed 40mb.

Pro users have access to CounterShare, our secure file-sharing service which is often used to post/share larger files.

Why are hashtags important here?

Without algorithms, each user is responsible for curating their own experience. Your use of hashtags makes this easier by:

1. Allowing people to PIN or follow hashtags that interest them, and
2. giving people an easy means to FILTER content they don't want to see.

Hashtagging isn't some arbitrary practice of expected etiquette. It's the hallmark of a good CoSonaut.

Is that .gif someone posted distracting or otherwise annoying?

Tap on the eye icon in the upper right of the image.

You can also choose to hide all media by default in your settings.

Wondering how to add .gifs? We've got you covered.

Most users will use to find their preferred .gif. Download it to your device, then add it as a media attachment here.

Note that .gifs must be less than 8mb in size. If you've picked one that's too big, just grab the .mp4 version instead.

On CounterSocial, your content is yours. All accounts have their Public Landing Page (PLP) disabled by default, but you can turn it on if you'd like.

Pro users have even more control over post visibility.

All users—Pro and not—have the ability to DELETE & REDRAFT their posts. Click on post options to use this feature.

It's way better than an edit button.

"If you aren't paying, then you're the product."

Our Pro subscribers help to keep the servers running, which is how you know that you aren't a product to be sold here.

What's the difference between a Pro account and a free account? We're glad you asked.

In addition to the below, you also get the peace of mind that comes with helping a user-focused community of awesome people.

Can't go Pro? No worries. Your contribution is appreciated in whatever form it takes.

Wondering how to find "your people?"

It's easy. Post about the things you like, and follow the people who like what you post.

Not keen on posting? Use our handy list of popular hashtags to find people who share your interests.

Depending on how you use CounterSocial, you can easily avoid the public timeline altogether—many people do.

Desktop users can easily "UNPIN" the Community Firehose. Mobile/app users can just stay on their "MY FRIENDS" list. For easy navigation, swipe left.

CoSoTips boosted

If you enjoy a wide variety of music and especially across the spectrum of genres, check out the hashtag

Don’t see your preference? Post the link to what you love and include the hashtag so we all can enjoy!

Real Talk: You are guaranteed to see things that you do not want to see here. Side effect of having zero algorithms to control your experience.

The good news is, you have all of the tools to make CounterSocial yours.

Don't like politics? Setup FILTERS to automatically exclude terms from your timeline. Use MUTE and BLOCK to make disagreeable accounts disappear.

Take some time to curate your experience, and CounterSocial will always be awesome for you.

CounterSocial can never violate your privacy or sell your personal information, because you never gave that information to us.

Need proof? Hop into your favorite app store and compare the permissions we require with that of every other social media app.

The difference is clear.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.