Other socials might ban you or prevent you from posting if you add a link to us, but none of them can stop you from posting this media kit asset.
^^ No other social media site can say that.
Not a single one. #CoSoTips
We think it's pretty damned special that you aren't a product to be sold here.
If we had a primary value proposition, it's at the top of the list. Followed in no particular order by no bots, no ads, no trolls, and no abuse.
CoSonauts aren't exploited. It's been that way for over five years.
Tell your friends. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial: Love more. Hate less. #CoSoTips
Welcome to CounterSocial. For best results, tell us less about what you hate and more about what you love. #CoSoTips
If you came here to exploit this community, then we don't even have time to tell you what's going to happen to you.
This place is 'counter' to all of that. Has been for over five years. #CoSoTips
We have collected a handful of extraordinary stories of this community banding together to help those in need. They are an inspiring reminder of the humanity here.
We have also seen our share of those taking advantage, and we can confirm, that is always a very poor decision. #CoSoTips
Looking to get the most out of your CounterSocial experience? It's easy!
Post about the stuff you like, and follow the people who like your stuff. You'll find your people in no time! #CoSoTips
Just joining us? Welcome! There's a few things you should know about CoSo.
1. We've been around since November of 2017.
2. There are not bots, no ads, no trolls, and no abuse.
3. We are real people who grew tired of being manipulated and exploited online.
4. We're safe here, and so are you.
Check out this account for tips, tricks, and a link to the User Guide, and welcome home! #CoSoTips
If you love it here, boost it. #CoSoTips
You are not a product to be sold.
You are not abused.
You are not manipulated.
You see no trolls, no bots, no ads.
You are free to just be.
If you can, please consider going Pro. We are by you, for you. #CoSoTips
There are no ads.
There are no bots.
There are no trolls.
There is no abuse.
You are not manipulated.
You are not exploited.
You are not for sale.
This is what social media should be. There's nothing like it anywhere. #CoSoTips
Other social media sites exist to exploit you. This place does not.
We've been called the PBS of social media because we've spent over five years building a solid community filled with real people who do not want to be sold or manipulated.
There's nothing like this anywhere else. It's powered by YOU for YOU. #CoSoTips
There are no ads.
There are no bots.
There are no trolls.
There is no abuse.
You are not manipulated.
You are not exploited.
You are not for sale.
This is what social media should be. There's nothing like it anywhere. #CoSoTips
As long as we're hanging out showcasing awesome CounterSocial features, when is the last time you checked in on YOUR Wall of Entropy? #CoSoTips
Seasoned CounterSocial users will apply something akin to the following Rules of Disengagement:
β’ Irritating: Ignore
β’ Minor annoyance: Soft Mute
β’ Annoyance: Mute
β’ Disagreeable: Block
β’ Abusive: Block and Report
Suspicious behaviors are also reported. Use the tools to make CoSo yours. It's why they're there. #CoSoTips
People are like flavors.
You aren't going to like them all, and they aren't all going to like you.
That's why muting and blocking are highly encouraged here. There's no algorithm, which makes these features a vital part of a toolkit that allows you to curate your own experience.
Don't let anyone harsh your mellow. Simply use the tools in a drama-free way and make them disappear. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.