• No bots.
• No trolls.
• No ads.
• No abuse.
• 100% User Funded.
• You are not for sale. Ever.
What's not to love? #CoSoTips
What's the deal with CounterSocial?
We'll tell you. It's an ad-free, troll-free, bot-free social media oasis that has been 100% user-funded for over five years.
We've been called the PBS of social media. You are not abused, you are not for sale, and your safety is our top priority.
CoSo is what social media is supposed to be. #CoSoTips
"Why aren't my filters working?"
Most of the time, this is because you have added an extra space to your filter criteria.
Double-check your filter settings and make sure that there aren't any spaces. #CoSoTips
There appears to be an active campaign to review-bomb CounterSocial.
You can help by leaving your own positive review and down-rating bad reviews as unhelpful. #CoSoTips
Looking for a rad wallpaper for your favorite device? We've got you ... covered. #CoSoTips
Facebook has been blocking links to us for years, but they probably can't block this picture if you wanted to share it with your friends. #CoSoTips
^^ ICYMI, tell your friends. We love it here. They probably will too. #CoSoTips
Real talk: CounterSocial cannot thrive if it is your best kept secret.
Tell your friends. Tell your loved ones. Tell benevolent strangers.
This is what social media should be: an ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media experience that takes your security seriously and doesn't sell you.
It was made to be shared. #CoSoTips
Facebook has been blocking links to us for years, but they probably can't block this picture if you wanted to share it with your friends. #CoSoTips
Real talk: CounterSocial cannot thrive if it is your best kept secret.
Tell your friends. Tell your loved ones. Tell benevolent strangers.
This is what social media should be: an ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media experience that takes your security seriously and doesn't sell you.
It was made to be shared. #CoSoTips
This is what social media is supposed to be.
You aren't being abused.
You aren't being sold.
You aren't being manipulated.
You're just being.
It's kinda nice not having to wade through endless numbers of asshats just to participate on social media, isn't it? #CoSoTips
"What is 'Profile Metadata'?"
CounterSocial gives you four fields that you use to further define yourself as part of your profile. These fields can contain anything. Post links, hashtags, emojis, you name it.
For an example of how they're used, click on this @CoSoTips profile. We're using ours to share helpful CoSo links. How will you use yours? #CoSoTips
New here? Welcome! Take a minute to update your profile and crack that egg! Profile pictures must be under 2MB in size, and adding one is a great way to show the community that you're legit.
Need help? Just ask. We're a friendly lot here. #CoSoTips
Have you checked out YOUR Wall of Entropy lately?
There are many like it, but this one is YOURS. #CoSoTips
It's kinda nice not having a bunch of disruptive bot accounts poisoning the dialog, isn't it? #CoSoTips
New here? There's a few things you should know.
We're real people who came together to escape the abuse and exploitation of other social media environments. Set up an avatar and introduce yourself!
CounterSocial operates on good faith and mutual respect. Trolling and misinformation are violations of the TOS, so definitely avoid both.
Tap on this profile to get a link to the help docs, and enjoy your time here. It's different, but good! #CoSoTips
CounterSocial is not trying to be everything for everyone. We exist to serve a community that values safety, security, and an online presence that is not twisted or exploited to nefarious ends.
We are the only social media site that takes this approach. We know we aren't for everyone, and that's okay with us.
It's kind of the entire point. #CoSoTips
Yesterday, CounterSocial purged 24,928 accounts that were ostensibly established to carry out influence operations ahead of the 2024 elections.
Here is the total number of other social media sites who are taking similar precautions to protect their users from this ongoing threat to democracy. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.