Let's talk Search, because it works differently here than it does everywhere else—and quite deliberately, to keep you safe.
You can search for:
• Hashtags
• Specific Usernames
• Your Posts
• Posts that Mention You
You cannot search for posts made by other users. If you think about it, this mitigates much of the abuse that runs rampant elsewhere.
On CoSo, YOU control YOUR content because IT'S YOURS. #CoSoTips
@CoSoTips I would opt in to search personally if given the option. I used Twitter for a lot of troubleshooting for one (super helpful to see if other’s have same prob with a company or already solved it) and for hobbies/cultural crit/media vetting (i.e. who is watching the same show or reading the same thing or playing the same game and what do they think and should I play it etc.)
CounterSocial's default settings make your content limited to the confines of this community, but you can open yourself up to the rest of the world if you so choose.
Enable your Public Landing Page in your settings, and anyone online can see what you post. This can be helpful, but we encourage caution.
Seasoned social media users already know: out there is not the same as in here. #CoSoTips