Note: CounterSocial is community powered. For everyone's awareness, the % funded bar is still set to operational costs as they were before the hubris of a malevolent billionaire tried to drown us.
It's on the list of things to fix, but it's quite a bit deeper now that we have expanded capacity several times over to accommodate our awesome new friends. #CoSoTips
@CoSoTips I *will* be going Pro once my raise starts first of the month. 👍
@CoSoTips a lot of talk on the dying bird about Tribel, idk, there are far more big names I used to follow here🤷🏻♂️
@CoSoTips This was something I was concerned about. Patreon is my secondary method of helping besides being a pro acct. Glad that option is available. 🙏🏽❤️