@DadeMurphy It used to be a lot more excessively sandboxed back in the day, before everything went the way of streaming or cloud based. Hardly anything is stored locally anymore so people (like me, I guess) can't claim it's a 'walled garden'. I've not even bothered to look if there's a file manager (there wasn't one with iPad 1). 98% of everything I use on Android I can use with iPad; can't say the same voice-versa, but hey, it's a hell of a lot better than it was last time I used one.
Where iPad trumps Android is that the way it handles hi-res and different music sample rates; everything with Android is re-encoded (up or down sampled) to the same output, iOS recognises sample rates and outputs accordingly (better hardware/OS integration I guess). This is why LG phones (and DAPs like the Walkman) are so popular, because they have a specific DAC for audio. Some apps like Tidal can now bypass the internal phone DACs now, finally, but require an external DAC I think.