@TrueBloodNet Thanks. Dad's been trying to convince me to have one; though I've no clue about keeping fish, I was quietly hoping to adopt him. There are three others, and one is also courting, so may have babies soon.
@TrueBloodNet The males are on their own, the one on the right started building a bubble nest so he put a female in there.
@Clavius_42 Lovely! GL w the breeding thing. The males and females can fight too. I have a 40 gallon sorority of females but have given up trying to breed after finding out how many fry you can end up with and if half of them are males, how many cups of fish you'll need for them. Could be hundreds.
@TrueBloodNet I'm stopping by tomorrow and shall be sure to pass that on.
Thank you. 👍
@Clavius_42 np hope it works! And I highly recommend getting one male yourself. They are like living flowers. :)
@TrueBloodNet 'living flowers' - I like that! 🤗
@Clavius_42 Your dad has females in with his males? Are not the males all in single fish tanks?