@CinnamonGirlE They have lacked intestinal fortitude all the way back to Samuel Clemons complaining about it.
The Democrats watched the separation of church and state be dismantled in real time and said nothing. They saw an insurrection and let the instigator go. They saw a convicted man walk from 33 felonies, the Democrats being pussies has a LOT to do with the loss of family planning freedom. You can hate the GOP but they are simply better at the art of political war and not being invertebrates like the Democrats always are.
Friday. It feels like years since last FriYay. Still slogging through the process we all are, accepting what just happened. I think I am slower than most doing it. Perhaps because I am surrounded by idiots who wanted this and the disbelief that here we are again.
I know I will find a way to live in this, but for now I have to process.
Wishing you the same! 🙏💛✨️
@CinnamonGirlE Excellent! My twitter is in permanent deletion countdown as we speak. Just 29 more days to go. Y'all are missing nothing but wall to wall nastiness on Leon's 8Chan.
as soon as i find my password i will do it too
I deactivated twitter again.
@CinnamonGirlE 🖤 💪 Mazel tov!
@CinnamonGirlE Ooo. Good one. 🍻
@CinnamonGirlE I politely dropped out of a big family txt chat group after someone posted a somewhat nasty Trump meme. I just thought about it for a while and decided that I need to start cleaning house with people who are just awful, but I tolerated b/c they were extended family. Not anymore. 10 years of this chaos and at least 4 more worse years to come. I'm so done with all of this.
It felt pretty good. Except that the whole chat group was shut down b/c of someone's response to my post.
This tech has been around longer than any of us!
@CinnamonGirlE @grrlscientist that is just such a mind numbingly stupid thing to do
@CinnamonGirlE so i guess you guys are my only hope for love and compassion
Good choice!
NP in my other life
#infj * #teampineapple
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" JB
"The unexamined life is not worth living"