Last night, after a full day of packing, my husband said to me, “You’re doing good with this moving stuff. And just telling me what you need me to do.” I told him that it seemed like he was mad about me asking him to do stuff. He answered, “that’s because you’re right.” He’s said this before. I think I’m going to say this in my head as a mantra when he gets pissy. “It’s because you’re right.” To help me not get pissy back.

The life of two first-borns who decided to marry. 🤷‍♀️


I laughed when I read this. When two people decide to be together, a million different worlds collide. Love how you are working yours out. Good luck on moving.

@CinnamonGirlE thanks! The best thing we have going in our marriage is a sense of humor. Otherwise I doubt we would have lasted!

I love this; filing it away: “when two people decide to be together, a million different worlds collide.”

"If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane"
Jimmy Buffett

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