Cold hard facts, logic and science aren't part of their lexicon.
@CinnamonGirlE @SatuUnelmia Science? MAGA don't believe in no stinking science. You're talking about people who get excited when the Ark encounter has a Groupon. That's their science, a guy who saved every species, like ancient Dr. Doolittle.
@MidnightRider @SatuUnelmia
You aren't wrong there!
@CinnamonGirlE @SatuUnelmia After an extensive diatribe regarding the uselessness of college and that all college educated people are dweebs? They will turn around and ask about a medical procedure, that's how lost they are.
@MidnightRider @SatuUnelmia
Sadly acquainted with them myself. And that way of thinking helped drive retirement.
@SatuUnelmia @MidnightRider
Interesting take. They aren't really down with Leviticus thinking though. Unless they are the ones dishing it out.