Man who has for decades failed to pay contracted workers, fraudulently stated the value of his assets, and filed bankruptcy six times bemoans the fact he cannot get an underwriter to secure his $454 Million dollar bond.
"eVeRYonE'S AgAinSt Me!!!"
Hey but that GoFundMe is alive and kicking with 24,000 donors.
The beauty of Facebook with family members..
My mom just posted this with the comment "Absolutely!"
I agree, trade school is a viable option but currently one may still need FAFSA to attend. So, it's not a way to get out of student loans.
But I laugh because when I was growing up, not attending college was NEVER an option. I imagine the lecture we would have gotten at the kitchen table.
In reality, the talk my four brothers and I actually received was, "Pick one.. engineer or teacher."
What's so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?