Winter has been wild in some parts and I am not dismissing the very real threat of injury and death some have faced. However, for those who haven't seen snow this year, here you go. Enjoy.
@ChippySuave I’m sure he took his shirt off to keep a stray puppy warm... or something. 😅
@Dawn2Dark @ChippySuave I cnat with all of you!
@Nexpr I’m just tryna live, okay Nexpr!?? 😁@ChippySuave
@Dawn2Dark @ChippySuave hahaha PUT A CONTENT WARNING! So I only see it because Im so curious.
CW: Sexy man behind black screen. lol
I do put a CW if more suggestive. @Nexpr @Dawn2Dark
@ChippySuave @Dawn2Dark and i see no puppy!!!
@Nexpr @ChippySuave you want to see his puppy? 🤣
@Dawn2Dark @ChippySuave BYE!
@Dawn2Dark @ChippySuave you gals win this one! DAMN YOU 2021!
@ChippySuave there was a joke about bear spray here and I let you all down. Most of all, I let myself down. 😁
@Dawn2Dark Huggy Bear. LOL
@ChippySuave hahaha