
They're gonna kill you with repeated blows to the head?

Geez, you need better peeps.



I'm concerned for youse, brosef.

I'm only 2.5 hrs up 95, then 91.

I'll listen politely and then maybe say something stupid, though.


@InUnfunky I’ve been surfing when a shark came in, that was not a fun day 😂


Can’t brag about that, but these VTers think I was nutty (again, FL man so justified) to grow up swimming with sharks, rays, cottonmouths, gators, snappers, etc. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


@InUnfunky That actually happened in Florida in 84, the lifeguard was yelling at us to just swim and stay calm haha, sure I’ll stay calm buddy.

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