Hey everyone, So I took my remains of my foccacia bread and made an easy flatbread pizza. I minced 5 cloves of garlic, because you can never have enough and some fresh ground sea salt and added it to some olive oil. I let that sit for about an hour. I sliced sweet grape tomatoes and whole milk mozzarella and grated fresh parmigiano reggiano and created the pizza. Finished with chiffonade freah basil and more sea salt and it was fantastico.

@Ch3fchr1sto I used to work at a pizza place that served foccacia. We used to order it w/cheese and sausage. It was larger than a small pizza and cheaper too. Mgmt. put a stop to it after about a year. "No more employee discounts on foccacia"


@RiftRavingRogue that sounds like a secret menu item for sure. Employee only item haha

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