@CdnChrisCo: That's easier to accomplish in a 91% ethnically homogenous (Finnish) nation of only 5.54 million people and of size of slightly less than 313,000 sq. mi.
The US, on the other hand, isn't as ethnically homogeneous, is also made up (still) of 50 smaller states, has 332 million people who do *not* get along all that well or agree on (it seems) most things, even the simplest, and is just under 3,800,000 sq. mi. in size, not to mention almost completely geo-isolated.
That sounds like an excuse.
In the fall of 2019, some 4.7 million kindergarten through grade 12 students (9 percent) were enrolled in private schools. Predominantly white
so 91% of students parents would agree that all students should have the same level of opportunity and education.
It the top 10% of wealth in America that ensures otherwise
Equality (democracy) vs 'capitalism (oligarchy)
Tell me again that whole diversity excuse that ensures a 2 class society in USA
natural evolution dictates otherwise
its merely the ruling class superimposing their will over the natural expansion of the human condition that inhibits it