@Bix on your suggestion I shall look into this band called “The Beatles”. Is the album a tribute to drummer Alan White?
@Idissent the Covid vaccines do not promise to completely prevent one from “getting Covid”. They help mitigate the severity of the infection. Here’s to your Covid passing soon.
@Liliki yes.
@Sr0bi I see the internal logic of your suggestion.
Mine are holiday gifts so not ready yet. I’m not doing Christmas. I’m all about Winter Solstice & nature.
Folks are gonna be surprised when they open their gift bag.
My door tells the story.
@LnzyHou you’re trained. Me too. I start the coffee and put out the bird & squirrel chow as the brew brews.
@LnzyHou “yippee” said like an apartment dweller🤣I had to shovel and salt the sidewalk etc. yesterday. And make the squirrel & bird visits worthwhile for them.
Good day sir @Bix apparently the key to the Rockabilly guitar skills you seek is all in the foot work: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cYPlj67Mtlo&pp=ygUXbGFycnkgY29sbGlucyBndWl0YXJpc3Q%3D
@JolieSaboteuse slurred words l, but words nonetheless.🤪
@InUnfunky @tgraph52 @Bix @sonnybillglover @Charles_Hawtrey @Mfieck @t_heislen @Bobk37 @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed
Wow, that is trivia that I did not know. But do you know the lyrics to the Office theme song?
@tgraph52 @Charles_Hawtrey @InUnfunky @Bix @Mfieck @t_heislen @Bobk37 @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed
I know more chords by shape than name and can play ‘em faster than saying E flat demented flat 5. The Unfunky one prolly knows more theory than I do.
@tgraph52 I just figured out Nature's Way 🎶 briefly: A9, A, G#sus, G# %, C#sus, A with b5, B, C#sus, A with b5, B, E, B, A withb5, A.
@Charles_Hawtrey @InUnfunky @Bix @Mfieck @t_heislen @Bobk37 @CinnamonGirlE @JoyfullyDazed