@CanisPundit altho, now that I think about it, if the bus literally had him plastered to it, I would have applauded.
Was his name, not actually him, unfortunately.
@CanisPundit no, but I have blamed a local with a “don’t blame me, I voted Trump” sign.
Blamed HARD.
@MookyTroubadour I don’t blame you 🤣
@CanisPundit Husband and I used to do this on the motorcycle. It was fun.
@danialexis there are opportunities to honor his memory …
@CanisPundit Oh. Oh yes. Big time. No shame.
Does giving them a pressed ham under glass count?
@Bix yes, yes it does. 🤣
@CanisPundit Yes, and a bus with Josh Hawley plastered all over it as well.