Essentially me in every job interview. Inevitably I'm hired to clean up other's fuckups and bring order to chaos.
@AskTheDevil ah but ain’t that America 🎶
The Devil was in the details after all.
@CanisPundit I actually love that saying! I am _absolutely_ one of those people that looks for all the tiny little details, especially the thing that's bent, or crooked, or inefficient, or that comes in little drips over time.
I also notice details like all the small creatures, the little beautiful things, the individual beautiful, sad, strong, crazy people and their stories. The beings that, when something cracks, it rains on them.
@CanisPundit For some years, my job was essentially to un-fuck some major project that was critical to the business, and then when it was finally un-fucked they'd say "We really can't justify a senior developer now".