@CanisPundit, just FYI:

Yemen: Attacks on Israeli-linked ships are being tackled by other regional operators (the US & UK especially). The Houthis' online boast is bigger than their bite, though, and CENTCOM reported destroying aerial devices during last weekend's attack before they'd even launched.

Iraq: We're still waiting on confirmation of a hit yesterday in Baghdad involving IRGC targets. For now that region is downplaying the Israeli strike, suggesting a strong interest in de-escalation.


I'm only sharing this because the stress-levels last weekend were so high. I know there's a huge "will they or won't they" vibe that's easily fuelled by speculation (along with hawkish excitement among some commentators eager *to* see everything go to hell in a handbasket).

But for now, we've gone through a week of sabre-rattling in a way that makes it clear how much most regional actors are seeking ways to save face while striving for diplomatic solutions.

That's a good sign. 🤞


@MLClark I imagine there’s plenty going on under the radar via cyber attacks we may never know of.

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-Christopher Hitchens

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