@Oma_Trisha @QueenOfEverything
If you're not already active with #VoteForward, #PostcardsToVoters and various #Indivisible and #LincolnProject actions, see where you might be able to contribute your time/energy...
Vote Forward: https://votefwd.org/swingleft
Postcards to Voters:
Lincoln Project/The Union: https://www.mobilize.us/theunion/
@CLManussier @Oma_Trisha
Signing up to send out postcards to VOTERS is an excellent way that almost everyone can participate in... I did it for the last eletion... in Texas- we made a major difference- not enough- but now building on the last election and all the promises/bribes/lies that have happened since then... millions of folks will try again.
I thought I'd have it easy in Washington, BLUE STATE, right? No, we've got the fanatic GOP who want to get rid of democracy here. ⭐ 🇺🇸 ⭐