Despondent, frustrated, disappointed, dismayed...

It's been a day of deep feeling for me.

Maybe for you, too.

Maybe for reasons that differ from my own.

Goodness knows, we're all over the map here, each caught up in our part of it.

Which is the real work of awful times, no? Scare and divide. Drive us deeper into silos.

My wish for us all:

May we one day feel like we can widen our circles of care again.

May we not be guided forever by all the anger, fear, and cynicism of this rotten age.


@MLClark I’m still dealing with my big work reversal. Trying to find work for 9 people, and nothing seems to be forthcoming.

I’m cutting my hours back to 40 (from 60+) and spending the extra time on self care (eating better, exercising, practicing guitar) and monitoring myself for signs of depression. Also investigating retirement for the first time ever.

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