@TrueBloodNet Are they immune from federalization? Fully state funded?
@TrueBloodNet It looks like it's established under 32 U.S.C. Section 109 just like any other National Guard unit. I'm not seeing anything that prevents the Texas State Guard from being federalized. And Joaquin Castro is calling for it as well.
@Boyceaz Not what they say:
No. The Texas State Guard (TXSG) is governed by Title 32 of the United States Code as a State Defense Force only. As such, the Governor is our Commander in Chief and we work solely at his direction. The Army National Guard may be activated to serve with the U.S. Army and the Air National Guard may be activated to serve with the U.S. Air Force, but the Texas State Guard would never be activated to serve with federal military forces.
@TrueBloodNet So it's not treason until the governor orders them to fire on federalized troops or border patrol.
@Boyceaz Yeah, state funded.