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There are 1.9 popes per square mile in the Vatican City

Bobbelieu boosted

Chief Justice John Roberts sent out a letter declaring that Congress had no business asking the Supreme Court to do anything regarding a purely partisan request.


House Speaker Mike Johnson asked the supreme court to do something as a purely partisan request

Constantinople, and thus, the Roman Empire, fell in 1453.

There is a 16th Century Spanish explorer named Juan de Fuca who is credited with exploring the strait that borders Vancouver Island, Canada, and Washington, USA (now called Juan de Fuca Strait).

Juan de Fuca is a Hispanicization of the Greek name Ioannis Phokas. His grandfather fled Constantinople and his family eventually ended up Spain.

This means an actual descendent of the Roman Empire was exploring North America.

Conservatives mistake obedience for morality. That's why liberals have rich patrons & conservatives have rich masters

I was outside yesterday about 5:15am and a bobcat walked right in front of me and pranced off into the shrubs. Didn't even give me a nod of recognition. Antisocial bugger.

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