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Actually, the Cybertruck is pulling a vacuum-optimized Raptor rocket engine.

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I'm going to sell a Trump Keyboard, which is a normal keyboard, spray painted gold and the caps lock key glued down.

Oh no, however will New York's white-hot real estate market survive without this one butthurt MAGA rando?

Host: "Should there be list of Democrats who need to go to jail?" .... Laura Loomer: "Not just jail, they should get the death penalty." ..... *Video Feed Abruptly Stops*

Imagine if your fridge did what you do to it everyday. Every half hour it goes to your room opens the door, and stares at you for 5 minutes then leaves

In my book it’s pretty simple. If you work hard to PREVENT people from voting, you pretty much admit your ideas aren’t popular and you fear the verdict of the people.

- Dan Rather

Every machine is a smoke machine if you operate it wrongly enough

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