actually a lot of this on here is not bullocks, how sad. @BlisterPearl
@Armchaircouch a lot of people are under the impression that they have magic powers. It's alright, I'm not mad at you.
I don't want to argue, but I usually try to post something against superstitious bull on Sundays. I hope that's ok with the group.
I would definitely not call them magic powers. As human beings we are endowed with things that were not taught to us in schools.
we are made of water and electricity and things that science cannot yet explain.
And you can do whatever you want, psychic intuition is far from ‘superstitious bull’, but you do you luvee this place is not an echo chamber :) ♥️ @BlisterPearl
@BlisterPearl That's handy, I like it.
Thank you. 🤗
I am very intuitively psychic I assure you there’s nothing bullocks about it @BlisterPearl