@BlisterPearl I'm seeing more than just strawberries... right? Maybe sculpins? What other future goodness is pictured?

@GamerzATX Blueberries, Red currants, Raspberries and then the big bed of Strawberries.

I had to look up sculpins. We do have grapes, but they're much later.

@BlisterPearl so cool. My dad has a big BlueBerry patch at his place in east Texas. Here in the hill country, it's too hot for most berries except wild dewberry vines. Like a tart blackberry. Haven't tried planting currents , are they heat tolerant?


@GamerzATX They do alright in zones 3-8. You might have a shot if you have decent soil and aren't too far south. They're beautiful, but very tart and seedy. Good jelly.

Pollinators love 'em.

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