
I get it now.
When you said that follows don't matter here, it took me a while to understand. The firehose is where everyone "follows" each other.

I like it.
I'm going to stop chasing down new people, but if you want me in your count, I'll absolutely reciprocate.

Still hunting my flock, though. 💙


Yes, you got it, that's just right.

We're trying to help folks see that this place operates under a different paradigm than that place, and better you get it, the easier it gets.

@BlisterPearl Really like COSO's lack of emphasis on gaining following and push to get us all talking to each other as opposed to what FaceBook & Twitter have become.

Have no doubt Twitter will become data vacuum & be monetized like FB under Musk. That Musk has become a dis-info firehose of late does not bode well for Twitter's future. Expect it to implode like MySpace or become like like Parlar & Truth Social

@BlisterPearl yeah it's more laid back. No one is trying to prove anything or collect stats. It's more like a group of people talking. Sometimes agreeing, sometimes not, but just talking.

Hope you are liking it here :):)

@_Hunter thank you, Hunter. It's nice to have a mellow hidey hole. This week has been a lot.

@BlisterPearl It’s become quickly obvious to me that after 12 years on the bird site with 9K followers, I’ve found a much more satisfying level of interaction with the folks here! I still have my account there and a number of friends I talk with but…. Welcome!

@j0n Thank you, Jon. This is a wholesome break from the bluebird of unhappiness.

@BlisterPearl I see you followed me today at the other place which I am slowly weaning myself from.
is just so much better, not least because your FRIENDS show up in your timeline. I love it here.

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