Is it just me or has the art of speaking and debate been lowered to yelling and pontificating?
@Blackwolf And the occasional hurling of the word sh!tshow.
@AirRation "shitshow" probably has more syllables than they are used to saying, by the way. Credit where it's due..
@Blackwolf I remember saying something like that a bit earlier. This isn't debate.
@Blackwolf I was just telling someone today that debate class should be mandatory in high school, at the very least. It's a great skill to have and teaches excellent critical thinking + articulation.
@lebrak @Blackwolf funny you should say that. Debate was offered in school agenda (not liberal) began to slowly erode the curriculum to prepare students “for the real world” and “jobs that haven’t been invented yet” or the worker society. The elite schools, capitalists, continue to have formal debate classes rather than a club or occasional task.
@_Ms_J I was wondering what the state of debate being offered/available is today. We don't have kids and my nieces/nephews are college age, so I'm out of the loop on current status of non-elite education. Thank you for the additional and helpful context.
@Blackwolf so true