MAGA is pushing for fetal personhood which would make every abortion unconstitutional and indictable, without exception through the 14th amendment. It would also interfere with much contraception.
That they took that anti-abortion plank out of the platform is meaningless.
@Bix some will. some have.
Every man who has a wife, a girlfriend, a sister, or a daughter should care too. Because every pregnancy could now cost them their life. Maybe if they are lucky they can wait in the ED parking lot until their life is in enough danger, and then the republicans "might" let them have help. If the doctors aren't afraid of prison.
@Bix Today's GQP credo: State's rights only if they agree. Otherwise, federalize the fuck outta that shit.
I'm old enough to remember when calling for states' rights was just one more racist dog whistle...
and that's still true.
@Bix NO