CNN will host a 2024 Presidential Debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in Atlanta, GA. The debate will air live on 6/27 at 9pET

Could prove 1st that he IS ABLE to stay awake for a full day of court.


Presidential Debate /6
Who employed Cohen to lie for him for 12 years, Republicans?

huh. if you listen to CNN, Cohen basically screwed the pooch by lying again, and Blanche blindsided him with some new evidence about a 90 second prank phone call. "How this is bad for the DA's case" is CNN's new byline.

@k_ratoncita @Bix
If CNN is to believed, he's a "lying liar who lies about lying".

@k_ratoncita @MPCavalier
It sounds like it is time to put Keith Schiller, Trump's hatchetman on the stand.
Presidential Debate /8

@k_ratoncita @MPCavalier
Presidential Debate /9

Blanche yelling, if I was on the stand, I would ask the judge to make him stop.
I have testified, it is already stressful.

@k_ratoncita @MPCavalier

As a witness, you may always ask the judge for directions, that is what I was taught in my forensic classes.

@Bix @k_ratoncita @MPCavalier I’m working and I haven’t had time to check the cross examination, how do you think it is going?


@Jorro @k_ratoncita @MPCavalier

From looking at tweets, the 2 former Trump staffers that CNN has on their panel think that Trump's lawyer, Blanche, did great.
I am not seeing that from other people.

@Jorro @k_ratoncita @MPCavalier

1> We know that Cohen is a dirty lying rat. It is why Trump picked him as his fixer.
2> He helped Trump falsify business records. Trump picked him to be involved in the case, not the DA.

@Jorro @Bix @MPCavalier

We all know that they have to do everything they can to discredit Cohen. Save the 🍊🤡’s ass is the orders by Republicans.

@Jorro @Bix @MPCavalier
Well, IMO, 50/50. The Defense is trying really hard to make Cohen look bad. Don’t know how effective it was. 🤔

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