
Scott Huffman:
I wonder if Judge Cannon thought about all those U.S. informants being captured and executed after Trump became President now that she has put the trial on hold indefinitely.


Cannon has only one master, and it's certainly not the rule of law.

@Bix There are NO magat scumbags that care about that.


Theories --

She probably considers them unfortunate sacrifices in the neofeudalist struggle to turn as many private and government functions as feasible over to a consortium of money-laundering, tax-avoiding fascist assholes chilling in a fortified bunker or at some far-flung lakefront estate.

In light of the gossip bandied about today vis a vis hubby's connex to Rosatti, incorporate the mob angle now we know that money laundering/tax avoidance fits neatly here as well.

@Bix If she thinks of them at all, she's thinking in terms of how she can keep Trump out of trouble for it.

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