@Bix Vaccines CAUSE Adults. Rinse. Repeat. If these evangelical jackals believe 'thoughts and prayers' are sufficient to exist in America than I better not see any of them at a doctor's office or a hospital.
@Bix I remember when mass killing children was'nt a political aspiration. Taking the funds is bad but likely it will take away vaccines and that will result in deaths. How morose is it to push massive birthrates so you can mass murder children. What have they become. #Voteblue it will always be better than stupid.
@Bix that might be one of the myriad things he won't actually follow through on. It won't make him any money, so it's not like he thinks it's important. He just says it for votes, although you would think that almost everybody would want those vaccinations. Who am I kidding?
@DavidKMresists @Bix The larger threat of #TFG is that he'll likely appoint someone who *will* do these (and worse) things.
He doesn't care, yes; but that also goes with not caring who he gives power to and how much they'll destroy while they're there.
Imagine Ladapo as the head of HHS, or the president of Hillsdale College as the Secretary of Education.
@Bix He is such a dangerous idiot.
@Bix take trump away for good!
In other words, he is saying again, I will burn this place to the ground. Healthcare, public education, democracy. All of it.
This is what they all want.