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@Uperpenisula Molly is adorable ❤️

I guess mine was tuckered out after going from the shelter straight to the park 😆 . He was 1 1/2 yrs old and could tell he hadn't gotten out too much. He made the most of it that day 🐶

@th3j35t3r Hmm, what is this Watch List? Didn't see anything about it in the user guide.

If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience--Woodrow Wilson

@BugsnYogi Aww. With such faces how could any be trouble makers 😅 🐶 🐶

@chromogirl That's wonderful you get to see them where you live. I used to see them occasionally when I lived on the east coast, but unfortunately not where I live now.

I watch them on an Audubon web cam located in Maine now. Been following 2 nests for several years. Just fascinating to watch them interact and raise their chicks 😊

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Beltane 🪄

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