
You ever see something and wonder how a bunch of smart people can be so dumb?

I had a class end last week and the instructor posted in our community forum that she fell behind and didn't get to sending out certificates of completion, but will this next week.

This was followed by half the class posting that they haven't received their certificate yet and asked if there are alternate ways to receive them.

This isn't the first time the class went off the rails like this either. One lesson had a concept and said we'll get to this in a few slides so hold your questions until we get there. We never got there when the questions came pouring out.

Same happened with a homework assignment, it was a "use your own judgement and do what you think is best" and quite a number of people were asking "whats the right way"

@Beerdini I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is a common experience for educators.

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