@mcfate I've been tempted to get mac. I love the iphone and the ipad. been tempted to sell my desktop pc , and laptop for macbook but i still like windows if the force windows 11 I will jump off the windows ship
@sfleetucker yes I did actually
@fienen: I agree I don't think trump knows about social media all that much. he should stick to building walls
@th3j35t3r: Maybe trump will build a huge wall around his social media site. Trump just makes me laugh.
@th3j35t3r one of those brands you just don't hear about much. what are you thinking?
@skroo the higher ups just don't seem to want to listen to people who know there stuff.
@Detroitdre74 just did now. wow.
@Detroitdre74 Thats to funny 😂
@Detroitdre74 I guess that guy was looking for opportunity
@Detroitdre74 I guess it could be worse I guess. lol
@th3j35t3r no but I'm courious what peoples thoughts are of the site? it's nothing like this site very close to what facebook is except for there not out to sell your inforamtion.
Married with 2 amazing kids. huge geek and love chatting with anyone. enjoy cold beer and bacon