Posted on my blog about needing accountability. I'm happy for ideas!
Does anyone else have that problem of "too many ideas, not enough time"? #writingcommunity #cosowriters
Back in the editing cave today. It feels good. #amwriting #writingcommunity #cosowriters #cosoauthors #dragons
I guess I'll do a #cosowriters #introductions as well.
I'm a writer of #sciencefiction, #fantasy, and other #specfic genres that aren't very easy to define. Sometimes it's superheroes and aliens. Sometimes it's dragon shifters. Sometimes it's a weird blend of everything.
My current #writing goals are to get myself that coveted big six publishing contract. I've already self published, and I've already done indie presses. Time to do something new.
I currently post some of my work on Wattpad.
Writer of fantasy/sci-fi. Gamer. Reader. Degrassi nerd. Pokemon trainer.