“I must not engage. Engagement is the mind-killer. Engagement is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face the fascists. I will block them to pass over me and through me.”
Perfectly fine.
Just a little mantra when I see people engaging in bad faith or hate speech. Plus, who doesn't love a little Dune reference.
Using the tools available, as it were. It's my reminder to just block and move on when I see something like that. No engage, no dunk, no quote or screenshot.
@ArcturusSaDiablo ah, okay. just checking in.
i do not know dune except for pix. alas, dune references are lost of me. i feel i'm lacking, sometimes. and then i get over it. 😜
Thank for checking in. I'm a big nerd sometimes and I enjoy showing it when it feels right.
@ArcturusSaDiablo nerds are awesome. i, myself, am a geek. 😊
@ArcturusSaDiablo are you okay, my friend?