Yes, Hive did make the right decision to shut down while they fix their security. They are taking it seriously. And this article unfairly trashes them for doing the right thing.

@ArcturusSaDiablo I appreciate the fair approach but they have been having issues from the beginning. I suppose we will all have to sift through all sorts of biased articles when it comes to twit alternatives.

They went from unknown to a whole lot virtually overnight, and they are nowhere near as experienced as @th3j35t3r when it comes to these sorts of thing. Avoiding sensationalism should be our default now. We've had enough of that since 2016.

@ArcturusSaDiablo @th3j35t3r I agree. I'll be more careful about what I post. I have no interest in spreading false info. You sound a lot more informed than myself.


Sensationalism is easy to spot, and usually motivated by a desire to promote something. I actually have Hive, and I've been following their other social media as they work through this. IMO, any piece that sounds like frantic screaming is usually off the mark.

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