I have an honest-to-goodness question/thought experiment for ya'll.
Other than "the other team is worse", what has the Democratic party done for women, POC, and other marginalized groups for whom they claim to advocate? Why should I vote for them? What have they delivered?
And remember, in this thought experiment, "the other guy is worse" is not a valid reason.
@April_Z i’m not giving specifics because i don’t feel like looking up stuff which you could find by a 2-3 hour search through legislative info sites. since very roughly 30 years ago, dem controlled congress (that’s house AND senate-2 separate lawmaking chambers) have passed family leave, medical care access, disability access & other such laws. they are almost always compromises & don’t solve the underlying societal causes. i’m going to go “other party” on you for just a moment. /1/
@April_Z since the days of newt, rove & murdoch & enormous dark money hauls, and the appeal to majority of americans of structural societal change, republicans have voted in lockstep. whether through real conviction, fear, threats or cash, if they had the majority, the votes were an ironclad guarantee. let’s go back to the dems. remember manchin & sinema sabotaging most of biden’s agenda? or aoc et al trying to keep any environmental bill from being voted on unless it met all dsa demands? /2/
@barbaraedelman We've been giving it a shot for 50 years. I'm a 49 year old progressive - as in, way left of the est. dems. I've watched our rights being chipped away, our standard of living crumbling, our costs of living go through the roof. The rights that have FINALLY be giving the LGTBQIA+ community and others are now on the chopping block.
And now the Dems are using their most recent failure to try to get me to give them money...for failing me again.
@April_Z i hear you loud & clear. i donate to local food pantries, domestic violence housing & animal shelters, not politicians.