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My Twitch schedule, that I'll try my very best to be consistent with 😏

I got the job in I interviewed for, I start Monday and I'm excited as hell. It's been a long time coming and I'm looking forward to talking about it soon. Contract is signed, sealed, and delivered. Spending the weekend cleaning and streaming before things get crazy! <3

Everything could change today and I'm excited and nervous... also terrified xD

Building a new platform in the streaming space is hard, unless you have really deep pockets and the will to really invest in a long term, unlikely to be profitable business. So closing isn't a surprise.

My growth on Twitch has been stagnant for months and I need to figure out what i can do to change that or if there is anything I can do. I've been stagnant almost everywhere except Threads. Maybe's it's just me and this is just where the line is, I dunno. I have thinking to do.

Once the new PNGtuber is done, I'm going to be mainly making content with it. I need to change things up. I'm still going to be mainly indie game focused, though i will play large titles from time to time depending on what comes in. But I'm going to embrace my inner cat boy LOL

Anjel Builds in Laysara Summit Kingdom Early Access - Part 1 -

Transformers skin for today's movie tropes and current dialogue meta. Aside from it being Transformers, it sounds like any other movie made these days. Sure there's no humans, they just made all the Transformers act like teenage humans.

Transformers One -

That moment you sneeze and smack your head into your microphone

Getting back to work on content across the board, I needed some time to sort shit out. We're back up and running, adjusting to the new schedule and making things happen. Come drop by my channel and check my content, the vibe and maybe subscribe -

Welp I suppose it's time I stop being a wiener and just start multi streaming to Twitch and Youtube and see how that works out for me. I'd already planned to stream today, so might as well give that a go at the same time. Worse case, I will shut down the Youtube pipe if it gets weird or something.

There are few things more stressful than waiting; especially when it's waiting to hear back about something that could change the current trajectory of your life LOL.

I think I did about the best I could for that interview, now we just wait and see. Could change a lot of things, or just another check point in the journey forward.

Anjel's Playlist - Aaron Smith - Dancin - Krono Remix ft. Luvli - -

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