Dear COSO, this old mom of 19 yr old twin boys, now trying to buy a few favorite songs from my son's new album via Amazon tonight. I click BOUGHT/ download and where the hell did they go?! As I type this, I am somehow still hearing his album! Damn, I am so lost but love hearing his music!


That's a pretty good album. I really liked the songs "Dry to Me" and "Shine On Through".

Kid's got talent!

@Animeraider Thank you so much for hearing his song "Shine on Through". It is an honor to read that you like this song as I do too. That kid of mine is changing his gig schedule just so he can see his teacher Jennifer Batten play July 20th here in Oregon. One day, he hopes to have a chance to play on stage with her. Thank you so much Chris for checking out my son Andrew.

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