It may be Super Bowl Sunday, but it’s also celebrating the kickoff of Congressman Adam Schiff’s campaign for U.S. Senate day! It’s such an honor supporting Adam (my Congressional rep since he 1st entered Congress in 2000 through the present) for U.S. Senate! Very fun day at Adam’s 2nd campaign kickoff event! Adam is a superb champion fighting for democracy! We need Adam’s immense legal & legislative skill in the Senate! Fantastic turnout for Adam! 😍🌊💙🌈😃

@Analisa_Swan Wow I love your enthusiasm! I'm a big Adam Schiff fan, but I love Katie Porter too. What would you say to those that are torn between both of these excellent candidates?


@Willowy Adam has so much experience, a proven champion! He’s been in Congress since 2000. He’a nationally recognized as a hero & patriot having led as an impeachment manager, being on the January 6th committee, & Intelligence Committee. He’s also leading on progressive issues as a co-sponsor for Medicare For All, put forward an amendment to repeal Citizens United, supports the Green New Deal etc. I like Katie Porter, but, she doesn’t have the experience, has only been in Congress since 2019.

@Analisa_Swan I love it, and thank you for the info re: Adam. He's great, has a strong moral conscience, and I follow and support every one of his efforts.

You may also be interested in looking at Katie's record, which is hella extensive. She's a powerhouse and isn't afraid to put corporations on the hot seat when they deserve it. She brings the research, and holds their feet to the fire. I am a fan of Adam, but he can be all talk, at times. Katie takes action.

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