Trump didn't need to make this announcement, but he did it (as he does so many things) out of sheer spite and sadistic pettiness.
Four more years of this childish, passive-aggressive bullshit from a narcissistic man-child more interested in television ratings than serving and protecting the people who elected him.
More good news: Ruben Gallego wins the Senate in Arizona
FACT: The United States imports billions of dollars of food from foreign countries every year. This imported food will cost Americans a lot more if Trump's across the board tariffs are implemented.
It may be time to punch a few more holes in your belt.
Just installed a new Arris G54 modem/router/wifi combo yesterday.
What a difference!
With my old setup, I was getting 240Mbps download on an XFinity gigabit connection.
Now I'm getting the full gigabit speed on wired connections, and our late-model mobile devices are able to take full advantage of 6GHz wifi network connections. Plus, I'm future-proofed for Wifi 7.
Definitely a game-changer!
Retired 45-year IT professional watching America circle the drain. I was on Twitter for 12 yrs. (@bill_auclair) before Musk co-opted it.